Revolutionising the world with the Gospel

The church of the living God, a pillar and ground of the truth. Cross Revolution, Restoring confidence in Christ, through the finish work of the Cross

Prayer Request

Please allow us the privilege of joining our faith with yours in prayer. We believe that God answers prayer and we will keep your information in strict confidence.

    Welcome to the official website of Redeemed Gospel Church Ennerdale

    A church of the Living God. The Ground and Pillar of Truth. RGC Ennerdale is both the home church and the operational hub of Reverend Garry Le Toit and his wife and kids.


    Jesus Christ is our vision – Ephesians 2:20. When Christ is the vision, the church will walk in the will of God almighty.


    The core purpose for the Redeem Gospel Church Ennerdale (RGCE) is to evangelize and to restore the broken altar.



    About Us

    We stand ready to serve you, to love you, to encourage you and most important to lift up the glorious name of Jesus Christ to our community, being relevant to our political, social situations affecting SA citizens daily. A ministry that’s relevant to the issues of men, domestically, economically, socially, with ONE SOLUTION: JESUS CHRIST and HIM CRUCIFIED.

    We would like to welcome you welcome you, to what we feel is one of the warmest, most loving church families in Ennerdale, South of Johannesburg. More than anything else we want you to feel part of our Christ Centred Celebration, conducted through worship and serving our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Contact Us

    We will get back to you within 24 hours in Monday – Friday / 09:00 – 17:00

    Or call us   +27 (0) 11 211 0722